Tuesday 19 March 2013

Indie Authors of the World Unite

Just to get things straight, this isn't a front for the Communist Party, but will at least attempt to put the Social back into socialism... well, to a degree.

This is my third great idea, the first being Hero of Talbadas, the second being a story idea I've held onto since I was in high school.  The idea being that great philosophy of "paying it forward," or as might be said, sharing the love.

Here's the gist.  As an indie author, one of the hardest thing to get are connections and exposure.  Sure I'm on Linked In and there are a few great ideas on there similar to this.  I want to go a step further and allow independent authors a spot to throw their sample chapters, complete with the links to your amazon.com, nook or even iBooks.

The intention is to one day move into providing reviews for books.  But moreso than just books I'd love to read - because lets face it, the best reviews are actually neutral reviews.

So lay it on me.  With the exception of children's books, erotica, anything Mills and Boon-esque, anything grossly twisted, and non-fiction (including self-help), ask and ye may receive.  Got some epic, heroic or urban fantasy?  How about a little Sci Fi, cyberpunk or steampunk?  A little thriller, a little suspense, a little mystery?  Bring it on!

So that's my gist.  100% free, linked to your selling place, your words with full credit and a possible review.  Sound like you'd like that?  Drop me a line in the comments box!

Cheers and hope to hear from you soon!
T. M. Shannon.

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